Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Eco-Revolution

Through humanities 60,000 years, or so, of existence on this Earth it has gone through different revolutions, which were the natural way of progressing through their evolution. Each revolution was revolution of knowledge and awareness that not only provided solutions to their most pressing problems, but also opened areas of opportunities that didn't exist before.
The first revolution was the agricultural revolution, where people discovered how to plant seeds and grow plants and trees, and domesticate animals, which allowed them to settle in areas and build homes instead of being roving food gatherers and hunters.
From there on they went through the metals revolution, where the discovery of metals allowed them to make tools. All along, they depended on the natural energy resources of the sun, wind and wood, until we entered the industrial revolution that leads us to the oil revolution.
Now we're at the cusp of the Eco-revolution where we're completing the cycle by reverting back to using solar, wind and water as sources of energy, while actually moving forward to correct the mistakes of the energy revolution with its monetary systems and monopolies and cartels.
While we can point out all the negative effects of the oil revolution mainly on the environment and the cancerous growth of the Feds and the IMF, we have the cures, and the solutions.
Through out the history of the various revolutions the rich and the few, who have capitalized on the old ways, were the first to resist and fight the new ways, and that's why it has always needed a military force to effect the transition of power.
The Eco-revolution has got to be not only peaceful to restore peace and harmony in the world, but the rich and existing monopolies have got to realise that all humanity is under the same threat of the retaliation of the environment in not only natural disasters of unprecedented proportions in earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes and tornadoes, but the threat of massive crop failures due to temperature variations with its disastrous domino effects of thirst and famine.
I'll be featuring in the following blogs industries that are part of the new Eco-revolution that are providing real solutions and answers to our most pressing issues, and that are economically and ecologically feasible.

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