Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The False hope of a long rope

The false hope of a long rope

By: Nafeh AbuNab
In my daily conversations with ordinary people, I’ve discovered that many don’t know how much is a billion, or a trillion, and it means the same thing to them as a gazillion! So they don’t begin to understand the stimulus package that is promising to inject 789 billion into the economy, and what kind of impact it is supposed to have.

So to simplify the Obama administration’s stimulus package in practical terms we can explain the current debt-based economy like a noose that is chocking the people, and the current theory assumes that if you lengthen the rope then they will land on their feet before they hang. For that to work you have to know how deep the fall is, and all their experts admit they are clueless to where the bottom is.

Just like in the noose, the knot is the problem, not the length of the rope, the problem of the world wide economy is that it is debt based, not equity based. So the question is how do we untie the knot and turn the rope into a lifeline, to pull us out of the current situation.

The answer surprisingly came out of a statement that Alan Greenspan, the former fed chairman, made in London last month that didn’t even grab a headline in the news. He said that it is time to nationalize the banks in the free world. He is finally learning to speak the truth at his old age.

The problem with the current economic system is that it has been trying to defy logic and mathematics for the past 94 years since the formation of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1914. You cannot create paper money out of nothing and expect to get more than what was printed. The Feds have lowered its prime lending rate to 0.25%, but that won’t work.

To solve the problem with the current structure we must turn the bankers into distribution channels for money. The first step is by nationalizing the feds, and having the country issue its own money, like president Kennedy did in 1963, and lend it to the bankers at a discount like 80 cents on the dollar, and banks lend it to people at like 85 cents on the dollar. Then tying the lending to practical needs and ideas, and not against real estate or credit scores. So as simple as the solution is what are the obstacles to its implementation?

The obstacle is that the mega rich owners of the feds, are the same owners of most of the fortune 500 companies and have been so integrated with the global economy, and are so invested in the old interest system of financial slavery that they keep flexing their muscles and show how they can lay off millions of people and bring the world wide economy to its knees. They can care less if people are getting divorced over finances, and families are broken and their homes stolen routinely through foreclosures.

So let us get down to the truth about our dire economic state. The truth is that we’ve been duped. They have created a false material world, where we are led to believe that the more we hoard of the worthless paper we call money, that they print out of nothing, but ink and paper, the better off we are. So everybody’s goal is to get rich, by any means. We’re selling drugs to each other, running financial schemes, swindling each other robbing each other, suing each other, killing each other… Yet no matter how much we hoard of that worthless paper we never feel secure. It doesn’t guarantee us against old age or sickness or mudslides, or earthquakes or hurricanes or tornadoes or losing it all. And it has an insatiable appetite; the more we have the more we want. We spend our lives chasing it, worrying about it, losing sleep over it, and at the end we depart and take nothing with of it with us.

While the true riches are those which we already posses and we need to learn how to spend them, and they’re totally opposite the material world. In the material world the more you give the less you have. While in the true treasures the more you give the more you have and it cost us nothing to give. So what are they? Love, kindness, friendship, happiness, loyalty, dignity, integrity, mercy, forgiveness, hope, liberty, freedom, honesty, knowledge, wisdom and all the values that make life worth living, and life is not worth a hill of beans without them.

It is apparent that the debt based economy has been leading us to the abyss, destroying our lives and robbing us of our humanity and sanity, and we need to turn it 180 degrees, and turn money to be a tool to serve humanity, that facilitates the exchange of goods from the manufacturers to the consumers, while helping us restore the ecological balance on our globe that has been destroyed because of it. Who has decided that a tree is worth more dead, as a piece of wood, than alive, producing oxygen?

Our system of values has been totally turned around, where the worthless has become the most valuable, while the most valuable has become the worthless. A worthless piece of useless antique is selling for millions, while millions of people are losing their homes, and lives over pennies. Oxygen is the number one thing we need to survive, yet because of the greed we’re spewing all types of contaminates and carcinogens that breathing air has become more hazardous to our health than smoking, and non-smokers are getting lung cancer at a higher rate than smokers!

It is time to ask the hardcore questions. How did we get here, and is there a peaceful way out? The end of economic inequality and injustice has historically come through violent ends and revolutions, because those who are invested and benefiting from the old system don’t, and won’t give up the power peacefully.

Though our current world wide economic failure can be blamed on few controlling families that belong to secret societies, and believe that the rest of us are worthless hopeless unemployed waiting for their handouts in unemployment benefits or worthless jobs below slavery wages…the truth is that they exist and subsist on our blood and sweat. The truth is small business is the real backbone of this country’s economy and they’re the only ones creating value and jobs that can’t be exported. Small business accounted for more than 90% of the new job creations, yet they’re getting the least attention. The Obama administration threw them a bone of 15 billion in SBA loan guarantees, but that it way below the scope of what is needed.

While their expert predecessors advised us to eat cake when bread was not available, their current experts are trying to feed us their bullshit, and tell us that the failure of the economy is not due to the debt system, but due to us living beyond our means! That we all should be living in shacks around their plantations, and sacrificing to keep them wealthy, because they worked hard scheming and passing slavery laws while we have been frolicking in the sun, tilling their fields. And their experts like Dr. Phil tell us to look at the bright side to unemployment, while we had no time for our children, now we have all the time in the world, playing camping in our homeless shelters!

The whole premise that we must save the banking industry by putting the people under higher debt that can never be repaid, is an oxymoron that doesn’t pass the basic principles of logic or practicality. It is that banking sector that has grown rich beyond imagination, and has become the problem that is destroying people’s lives, buying the factories and moving them out of the country, systematically destroying the industrial infrastructure that is the backbone of this country. It is like telling a sick person that they must strenghten the parasites so he gets better!

There is no doubt that our innate instincts of survival are stronger than our fear of any system out there, and that we always find innovative ways to get out of our predicaments, and that laws can’t stop mudslides, or tornadoes or earthquakes, nor can they stop global warming, nor the damn from breaking. The only question is are they going to be able to do it peacefully to stem a total breakdown, and transition into an equity based economy that benefits everybody, or are they going to be stubborn and stupid enough to push people to brink of no return? How can you convince the parasites to leave the body to heal?

Forgive us our debts

Forgive us our debts
By Nafeh AbuNab
Friday, 10.31.2008, 09:05pm

Federal Reserve headquarters

Four cowboys wanted to play a game of poker, but they didn't have a deck of cards. A banker offered to lend them a deck of cards, on the condition that each bring back 14 cards, and they had to leave their horses as collateral. How many cowboys get their horses back?

This oldest trick in the book is what the Fed banking system is built on. Understanding the mathematics in it makes us understand how the system works. There are 52 cards in the deck. If the cowboys divide it equally, each gets 13 cards, and they all lose their horses. So now the cowboys have to try to swindle each other out of one card. At best, three would get 14, and one would be left with 10 cards. But being cowboys, the seed of conflict has been planted, and they might fight over it and have a shoot-out. Two might kill two, three might kill one or one might kill three. As they're fighting among themselves, trying not to lose their horses, the banker is the only winner!

That's exactly how the Feds' banking systems works, but worse. Money is actually worthless paper. What gives it value is our production and hard work. Since the GDP is the cover for this paper, it means that by having a monopoly on printing it, the Feds are stealing the value of our work by printing this paper that buys all our products. As if that is not enough, they want back more than what they printed!

Interest is the modern word for usury, a concept that is forbidden in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. During Puritan times in the U.S., usurers got hanged, not bailed out by the people's money! So how did we reach this point? Gradually, through laws passed by Congress. The average taxpayer supports his local courts, policemen and sheriff's deputies, the very same people who carry out the process of foreclosure and rob them of their homes. How long can this go on before the people realize they have been duped, and they're slaughtering the very same cow that gives them milk?

Everybody has been asking me: "So what's the solution? How do we stop this system of slavery and thievery that has become the standard in our lives?" Everybody feels helpless and hopeless, in a system that is so big and powerful but lacks the basic elements of logic or justice. Don't expect the solution to come from outer space or from an election. Neither Obama nor McCain nor the Messiah can do it alone, without risking being assassinated or crucified… It has to start at the bottom, with the awakening of the masses.

This is a parasitic system that feeds on the blood of the people. It is a wild fire that is burning everything in its way. How do you stop a wild fire or deal with the parasites in your body? The Congressional answer to fighting the fire is by feeding it more wood. Isn't that what the 700 billion dollar rescue package is? And they're wondering how come the stock markets didn't stop tumbling and the foreclosures didn't stop?! A wild fire has to be starved of wood or oxygen to burn itself out. Instead, they're fortifying their positions by putting us in more debt, and emptying the market of money by holding the loans and demanding payments. The loot is already being distributed among the biggest bankers and the owners of the Feds who are the reason for putting us in this situation. Henry Paulson has given $25 billion each to J.P. Morgan's Chase Bank, Citi Bank and Bank of America, and $10 billion to Goldman Sachs. All while the true solution lies in forming corporations to buy the mortgages that are being sold for 7-8.5 cents on the dollar, and selling them back to the rightful owners at that rate. Imagine if the 700 billion dollars were distributed to the 50 states equally for that purpose. Each state would get $14 billion. The $700 billion at the going rate would buy about $7 trillion worth of mortgages, which is about 70% of all the mortgages there are. That would be a real bailout package for the people, by the people. Instead the $700 billion is being used to keep the banks in business so they keep foreclosing on the people's properties. That is called doing it the Zionist way. Only 20 years ago Americans could not relate to Palestinians losing their homes to occupation. Now they're under the same occupation, an economic siege!

Thomas Jefferson predicted this back in 1778. He said: "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money…the banks and corporations that will grow around them (Wall Street) will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered!"

Fear has been the main tool in the arsenal of the Feds to herd the masses. It is the oldest trick in the shepherd's manual of standard operations. To get the sheep to enter the barn, you can't chase them to catch them, then put them in the barn. You just release your dog that goes and barks from the opposite end. Sheep get afraid and confused, run away to escape the dog, and enter the barn. The shepherd just closes the door!

Everybody is running scared, afraid if they stopped paying their mortgage, they will lose their home. A great majority of people are one or two paychecks away from foreclosure, and the constant stress is causing divorces, abortions, and higher rates of cancer and sickness, as the body isn't designed to deal with the constant stress. This stress has been pushing people to desperate measures where they abandon their children, or throw them out of the 11th floor window, then jump after them! We used to wonder how Arabs in pre-Islamic times used to bury their newborns alive in the deserts?! It gets really confusing for returning servicemen, who were out fighting the enemy, to come back to a foreclosed home and a wife and children who moved in with another man. And they wonder why there is such a high rate of suicide among returning servicemen.

Historically, people went to war to defend their homes from being taken by the enemy. The enemy is the one that threatens your home. So who is the enemy? Is it that solitary man in Tora Bora, or is it Iran, or is it your friendly neighborhood banker who greets you with a big smile and tells you how he can help you with a great rate on a home equity loan?

The Pittsburgh area in the 1980s went through tough economic times with the steel mills closing and people losing their jobs. Bankers started foreclosing on the homes till they got overwhelmed with the numbers, and realized that nobody was buying the foreclosed homes, while they had to pay the heat, taxes and cut the grass. They started begging people not to leave their houses. It is the same thing that is happening now in Florida, California and other cities with high rates of foreclosures. Houses are getting vandalized once people leave them and they become shells, while their owners become homeless. What is wrong with this picture? People are selling their homes with short sales, and feeling relieved that they don't have a mortgage anymore. Glad to lose their homes. What's wrong with this picture?

Our neighbors and relatives are losing their homes to foreclosures and we are glad it is not us. Well, if we allow this injustice to happen to others, our turn will come. The only way to stop foreclosures is from the bottom up, not the top down. Stop paying your mortgages. Three percent of people who couldn't pay their mortgages almost caused the collapse of this parasitic system. Ten percent would definitely do them in! The court system will get overwhelmed, and this economic slavery system will collapse and all these bogus mortgages that were generated by nothing put printing paper will have to be written off, forgiven. The Christians have been praying for two thousand years: "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." God has answered, but he helps those who help themselves and who have no fear.

The Obama Revolution

The Obama revolution
By Nafeh AbuNab
Friday, 11.07.2008, 08:52pm

Abraham Lincoln, another president from Illinois, fought a civil war that divided a nation and succeeded in uniting it again. But when he tried to take on the bankers, he got assassinated. John F. Kennedy took on Russia in the Cuban missile crisis, but when he took on the Feds, he got assassinated. They both were trying to finish a matter that was started by Benjamin Franklin at a time when the United States did not even exist yet.

Participants write on a wall dedicated to U.S. President-elect Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) in front of the Lincoln Memorial's reflection pool in Washington, November 5, 2008. The wall was constructed on Wednesday and will stand all week for people to view and write their thoughts to the new president. REUTERS/Mitch Dumke

Our story takes us back to the year 1750 when there were only 13 colonies. Franklin wrote about the population of the time: "Impossible to find a happier and more prosperous population on all the surface of the globe." Going over to England to represent the interest of the colonies, Franklin was asked how he accounted for the prosperous conditions prevailing in the colonies, while poverty was rife in the motherland. He said: "That is simple. In the Colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Script. We issue it in proper proportion to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner, creating ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay to no one."

The Rothschilds, English bankers, being informed of that, had a law passed by the British Parliament prohibiting the colonies from issuing their own money, and ordering them to use only gold or silver debt-money of the crown, which was provided in insufficient quantity by the English bankers. The circulating medium of exchange was thus reduced by half.

"In one year," Franklin wrote, "the conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity ended, and a depression set in, to such an extent that the streets of the colonies were filled with unemployed."

Reading what Franklin wrote back then, one can't help but think he's describing the condition of the United States today, due to the Feds' monopoly control on the money of this country!

The choking economic stranglehold that the Rothschilds put the colonies in was the main reason why the American Revolution was started against England. History textbooks erroneously teach that it was the tax on tea the triggered the American Revolution, while Franklin clearly stated: "The colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been the poverty caused by the bad influence of the English bankers…"

The founding fathers, having won the war, had to guard against the slavery of the banking system, and wrote the American Constitution. Article 1, Section 8, paragraph 5 clearly states: "Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof."

The bankers didn't give up. Their agent, Alexander Hamilton, was named secretary of the treasury in George Washington's cabinet, and advocated the establishment of a federal bank to be owned by private interests. His argument was that "The wisdom of the government will be shown in never trusting itself with the use of so seducing and dangerous an expedient as issuing its own money."

Thomas Jefferson, the secretary of state, was strongly opposed to that project, and warned against allowing private bankers to issue the money of the country, but Washington was finally won over by Hamilton's arguments. A federal bank was thus created in 1791 and was called "Bank of the United States" with a 20-year charter. It was a private bank owned by private stockholders. The name was chosen purposely to deceive the American population, the same technique used in naming the Federal Reserve Bank, to mislead the people into thinking it is owned by the federal government.

The charter for the Bank of the United States ran out in 1811, and Congress voted against its renewal, thanks to the influence of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson. Nathan Rothschild, of the Bank of England, issued an ultimatum: "Either the application for renewal of the charter is granted, or the U.S. will find itself involved in a most disastrous war."

Jackson and the American patriots defied them and Jackson's answer was: "You are a den of thieves-vipers. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out!"

Nathan Rothschild issued orders: "Teach these impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to colonial status." And the British Government launched the War of 1812 against the U.S. Rothschild's plan was to impoverish the U.S. to the extent the legislators would have to seek financial aid, which would only be granted against the renewal of the charter for the Bank of the United States, which is exactly what happened in 1816.

Understanding these historical facts and the relationship between the control of issuing the money and the prosperity of a nation and the economic causes of wars, exposes the same play book these bankers have been using to enslave the masses.

The historic election of Barak Obama for the presidency is nothing less than another revolution by the masses against the influence of the bankers that have again impoverished this nation through involving it in an extended war in Iraq and Afghanistan, to secure oil for their companies then sell it to us with unheard of historical profits, and limiting the supply of money through holding loans and demanding repayment, and putting the country in another economic chokehold. If we could print this worthless paper we could meet their demands, but when it is considered counterfeiting, and a federal crime to print it and they control the flow, then we can understand whom to blame for the thievery that is being practiced against the homeowners through foreclosures, while they parade their puppets on national media, telling us: "The fundamentals of the economy are sound," as the sheriffs' deputies carry the belongings of over 3 million families to the curbs!

The opposite of courage isn't cowardice, but comfort. When people are comfortable they don't feel the need for change, but when they're economically squeezed they seek change and make it happen, if not with weapons, then with a vote. When people are desperate they panic and they resort to measures that don't otherwise make sense. Detroit Mayor Ken Cockrell, Jr. held a press conference on Monday in which he announced that Angel's Night patrols have to be carried 365 days in Detroit because the number of house burning incidents is on the rise, and this year's Angel's Night resulted in about 150 burnt homes, down from last year's 327, but the percentage of occupied homes burnt rose to 80%, due to the foreclosure epidemic. People are burning their own homes, and hoping to "get away with it." What is wrong with this picture?

In this election people chose change over status quo, intelligence over stupidity, and hope over desperation. Obama realizes the enormity of his mission, and how he has to succeed in finishing what his Illinois native Lincoln started, and Kennedy carried. In his victory speech he said: "The road is long and the climb is steep…" and he promised: "To those who tear the world, we will defeat you…"

In his mission he is going to need the Almighty's help, and the help of all us mortal souls.

You can stop the foreclosures

You can stop the foreclosures
By Nafeh AbuNab
Friday, 11.14.2008, 09:47pm

It was always happening to them, not us. Hurricanes, tornadoes, factory closings and foreclosures. We paid attention but didn't really care. People who had their sights on retirement have seen their life savings disappear right in front of their eyes, and people who worked for the Big Three, and felt secure, are now running in panic. Now it is beginning to sink in that this is not just a passing cloud, and it is not just a test, it is the real thing. People seem to be surprised by the acceleration of events. I've been warning of this since 2003, telling people it is inevitable and that the whole system is wrong, unjust and unsustainable. I wrote a book titled "Nothing," not only predicting the fall, but also detailing the solutions and the way out. The most dangerous thing this situation is creating is the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness among people, and the feeling they have no control over it, while the truth is this is the opportunity to take matters back into our own hands and put the control where it belongs, in the hands of the working masses.

One basic concept people seem to have a very hard time understanding is my calling the dollar "worthless paper," while they take it to the store and get Twinkies for it! What gives the dollar value is the production of the people. When we produce a car, we create value for the dollar that buys it. Not the other way round. If the production base is removed then no matter how much paper the Fed prints, it will have no value. Yet it is this production base that the owners of the Feds have been systematically robbing, dismantling and moving out of the country.

In my series of articles, I've been dealing with the history of the economic siege that has been practiced on this nation through the Feds banking system, and how it has been stealing the country's wealth and people's hard work, and how it has been choking the country economically. One would argue that the Feds' owners could implement their plan only on stupid people, but not on the smartest people in the world, the ones that put man on the moon and have accomplished feats of technological advances and engineering that demonstrate superior intelligence. Well then, we must answer the question of how the engineering of automobiles in 1913 was far inferior to the engineering of the automobile in 2008, yet the Feds banking system of 1913 is still what governs this country, and makes the 1913 car much more profitable than the 2008 model!

To answer that we go back to John D. Rockefeller, one of the engineers of the Feds, who had a monopoly on oil and caused the Congress to pass many anti-trust laws. Rockefeller once said: "Competition is a sin." He believed in monopoly control, something the Feds maintain today on the money of this country. So while the business world has many companies competing, all their products are sold in the U.S. dollar that the Feds control 100%. And that is what is choking this country. The Big Three car companies are not suffering because their cars are inferior, or people don't want them or need them. It is because they don't have the money to buy them!

People aren't burning their homes because they don't like them, or don't want to live in them. They're burning them because they don't have the money to pay their mortgages, and would rather see them burn than be stolen from them by the bankers. This banking system is what has been stealing their homes and robbing them of their hard work. A builder puts out effort and money and builds a house at a cost of $70,000. He sells it for $100,000 to a homeowner. The homeowner obtains a mortgage from the local banker to buy the home. The local banker obtains the money from the Feds to lend to the homeowner. The Feds' cost of printing $100,000 is seven cents per bill in ink and paper, so it costs them $70 dollars, yet they become the owners of the home through their local agents the bankers. And at the wonderful rate of 7.25% interest, by the time the homeowner pays for it over a 30 years mortgage, he ends up paying $270,000!

The Feds have printed two trillion dollars that they injected into their surrogate banks to fortify them, and help them gulp down other banks, refusing to release any information as to who they gave it to and under with collateral. They are the czars of America. Many erroneously think it is part of the federal government while the Feds is a privately owned corporation with stock A holders owned by the Rockefellers (National City Bank), the Rothschilds (Bank of England), the Morgans (Chase Bank), Lazard Brothers (Bank of Paris), Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, the Warburgs (Bank of Hamburg & Amsterdam), Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb and Co., Goldman Sachs and James Stillman's Citi Corp. These are the same names that you see on the board of directors of all the Fortune 500 companies, owning everything from the oil companies to insurance companies to the major TV networks, which they acquired back in the 1930s, to retail malls to Hollywood production companies to you name it.

Their method of stealing public companies has become a standard practice. First they buy enough stock to get them a seat on the board of directors. Then they appoint a stupid CEO, and pay him an exuberant salary to be the front figure. It is psychologically important to pay him a large salary, so people around him view him as a genius. Then they provide the company with a great line of credit, to allow for their expansion. They skim the profits of the company in the interest they charge, so the stockholders get reduced dividends. Then when they're ready to steal it lock, stock and barrel, they downgrade their credit rating at Wall Street, which sends their stocks tumbling down, then the companies file bankruptcy protection. They spin off a "venture capital" company of anonymous financiers and they come and take over the company for nothing, inject it with capital, and emerge it out of bankruptcy with new stocks, and the original stockholders lose everything, while the company continues to operate. These thieves are then celebrated in their magazines and media as corporate raiders and financial geniuses. They have been doing that across the country. Locally they have done that to K-Mart and are in the process of completing it on Michigan's new jewel industry in solar energy; United Ovonics Solar, where Mark Murelli has been appointed as president and CEO, and Chase Bank extended two lines of credi,t one for 30 million and another for 20 million.

These people are by no means stupid; it is we the public, who are stupid. We have been falling for the same scheme, which is totally legal, and it is still not considered thievery. They have realized people eventually will wake up, so they have been systematically dismantling the factories and industries they robbed and moving them out of the country, to places like China, India, Mexico and other poor countries where people are dying to be exploited! And by passing bilateral trade agreements, like NAFTA, they get out of the labor unions, of paying U.S. taxes, of paying the high costs of medical care and being open to litigation. They just pay the shipping tcosts o bring the products back into these markets. Their savings in medical insurance premiums and taxes more than pays for their raw material and production costs! And people are surprised that they are losing their jobs by the millions?!

So how did we arrive at this mess that is breaking up families and tearing apart the community at its core? The same way you cook a live frog; gradually, one legislative bill at a time. The manufacturing base has been stripped and the milk cow reduced to a skeleton. We pay the local taxes that support the local courts, police force, mayors, the sheriff and his deputies, and we elect them and the representatives that are supposed to protect us, and not deliver us into the hands of our economic captors. Talking to local mayors and various representatives, I was surprised to see they don't fully understand how we got into this mess and feel powerless in halting it, while the truth is the solution lies in their hands and ours.

Senator Hansen Clark fully understands the origins of the mess and knows the solution lies in halting the foreclosures through passing a bill to put a moratorium state-wide on foreclosures. He has introduced Senate Bill 1306, which is being stalled at the banking committee. "The time for the bill to pass is now," Senator Clark said in a phone interview. So I call on all mayors and city councils to unilaterally pass resolutions to put a moratorium for one year on foreclosures. They have to protect their tax base, and people need an address not only to vote but also to find another job, or create a business. It is time people demand their representatives do their job to represent them and protect them against the predatory Feds banking system.

The situation is critical. People are burning their homes. If they're not protected, who knows what they might burn next? The banks, courthouses and city halls?

It is time to end the Fed

It's time to end the Fed
By Nafeh AbuNab
Friday, 11.28.2008, 08:59pm

The wild fires raging in California no doubt have the finger prints of arson, as did the wildfires that preceded them. A person who is facing foreclosure figures instead of burning his own house and risk being convicted of insurance fraud, he lights up a nearby dry brush, and nature does the rest. The same scenario is taking place in Detroit; burn the empty house next to yours, and the fire spreads to yours, and you're saved from foreclosure and you collect insurance.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson (L) and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke arrive to testify at the House Financial Services Committee hearing on "Oversight of Implementation of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 and of Government Lending and Insurance Facilities; Impact on Economy and Credit Availability" on Capitol Hill in Washington November 18, 2008. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque

Natural disasters have been coming as acts of mercy to distressed areas. When people get hit with a tornado or a hurricane, or a wild fire, they get federal money and assistance to rebuild, plus the sympathy of the nation. But when they're going through foreclosure, they get raped in the dark and they get no sympathy. The justice system is unjustly against them, and puts the blame on them, for losing their job, or for taking a mortgage bigger than they can afford.

One's home is his inner security and refuge. It should be safe, unthreatened, and protected against invasion or foreclosure by banks or cities. In fact foreclosures are unconstitutional and should be outlawed as such. The fourth amendment to the Constitution clearly states: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…"

The foreclosure epidemic has been the biggest disaster to hit the U.S. – ever. The 3.5 million homes that have been foreclosed upon have caused the displacement of 14 million people, if we consider that only 4 people lived in each house, which puts it at 14 times the magnitude of the Katrina disaster. It is the worst form of child abuse and all the child abuse laws in the country are not worth the ink they're written with, if they can't protect children from losing their homes.

While talking to various mayors and officials as to why they've not passed a bill putting a moratorium on foreclosures on homes in their cities, I get the same answer that Detroit Mayor Ken Cockrel, Jr. gave me: "We are afraid of the retaliation of the bankers, of withholding credit, or stopping their operations in the city." I wonder what planet these officials live on? Don't they understand that is what the "credit crunch" problem is? That what is causing this whole epidemic is the banks not lending money while demanding repayment, which is emptying the markets of cash, and bringing the economy to its knees?

The problem with the system is that it is a siphoning system, not an injection system. The theory behind forming the Federal Reserve Banking system is that the Feds would have 12 branches serving all the regions of the country. Money would flow from the central bank to the various regions, then into the vaults of the banks, then into the hands of people. In theory it sounds good. The problem is that money would have to flow back up to the top at a rate faster than it's injected in. And that is because of the credit system. Each dollar that is injected would have to come back as a dollar and 5 cents or 7 cents or whatever the prime lending rate is. And the problem is compounded by the compounded interest. So a $100,000 mortgage goes through this cycle. It is lent to the local banker at, for example 3%, which lends it to the homebuyer at a 7.25% compounded interest over 30 years. By the time the homebuyer pays it back he has paid $270,000! So $100,000 was injected into the economy and it came back as $270,000. Therefore it is not an injection system that is creating wealth, rather it is a siphoning system, that is siphoning wealth out of the communities, because in the final analysis it sucked $170,000 out of the borrower. Since the $100,000 was printed but the interest wasn't, then only the $100,000 would make its way back and the $170,000 becomes a deficit, a debt that can never be repaid.

And that is how you enter the house of bondage that God warned of in his first commandment. Over 94 years of this practice, since the establishment of the Feds in 1914, under Woodrow Wilson's administration, this is where we stand today. The federal government has a budget deficit of 10.5 trillion dollars. The un-funded commitments of the federal government, in Medicare and Social Security, stand at 30 trillion dollars. The collective debt of the people in State debt, municipal bonds, corporate debt and consumer debt in mortgages and credit cards totals 41 trillion dollars. Therefore our collective debt stands at 81.5 trillion dollars. Most of that debt is secured by real estate, but the bottom fell out of the real estate market; the value of all real estate in the U.S. would be appraised, now at today's market price, at around 8 trillion dollars. That's why the mortgages became "toxic securities" that are selling at 7-8.5 cents on the dollar, because that reflects its real value. This means that if the country was sold 10 times over, it won't come up with the principal, let alone the interest! That's why bankers aren't lending a penny against real estate, because they know they can't get it back. And that is where the "credit crunch" is, while idiots like Suze Orman have shows on TV telling people to keep paying their credit cards and mortgages so they don't ruin their credit scores! The problem isn't in the credit system, the credit system is the problem!

That's how the country's wealth has disappeared overnight, because the more we were producing the deeper we were getting in debt, as the cover for the dollar has been the production in GDP. We have been creating wealth for the Feds and its 12 owners, who have been buying factories and moving them to safety, out of this country to China, India, Mexico and others. That's why China has been experiencing hyper capitalism with all that money injected in it. So why did they choose mainly China? Because they needed a country that could stand up to the military might of the U.S. and can protect their stolen money from being recovered. That's how China became the major buyer of U.S. treasury bonds, and turned into its biggest creditor. And that's how the seeds of conflict are planted. That's why Warren Buffet describes it as an "Economic Pearl Harbor." It is an economic occupation that is worse than military occupation, because you don't see your enemy and don't know how to fight him.

To keep the eyes of the country away from their thievery and economic siege, they've been creating different crises to distract us from the bigger picture. First they created the oil price crisis, and that was all we were worried about, now the home foreclosure crisis. They are not the least bit interested in resolving it. Their intentions became very clear in the congressional hearing held last week under the chairmanship of Dennis Kucinich. While the bail out package clearly spells out provisions for solving the foreclosure crisis, Henry Paulson came straight out and said they have no money allocated to alleviate the pressure on homeowners. In fact they've been splitting the loot of the bail out package as soon as they disburse it. Bank of America announced that $2 billion of the $25 billion they received from the treasury has been set aside for "managerial compensations." AIG, which received, so far, $152 billion, has set aside $500 million for managerial compensations! The Big Three that are fighting for their life, and really need the $25 billion, and form one of the main pillars of the U.S. manufacturing base, are being denied the money.

While all this is only a game to the Fed and its owners, their hands are covered with the blood of the hundreds of thousands of people who have committed suicide over losing their fortunes and life savings, and the millions of fetuses aborted for fear of not being able to provide for them, and they carry the responsibility of the misery inflicted on every family that lost its home and split up because of the economic hardship. It is time to end this misery. It is time to end the Feds.

The masses are finally waking up. "End the Fed" rallies were organized simultaneously in 33 cities on November 22, the 45th anniversary of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the last president to stand up to them. Ron Paul and Mike Gravel led the millions who demonstrated around the country in front of Federal Reserve buildings across the nation. And it is an ongoing campaign. To get involved and get more information visit

Economy Eology go hand in hand

Economy, ecology go hand-in-hand
By Nafeh AbuNab
Saturday, 12.13.2008, 12:08am

Imagine a world that employs logic, knowledge, science and common sense to face the challenges of global warming, which is threatening to bring famine and disaster in biblical proportions.

Imagine a world without the Federal Reserve.

The world is so focused on dealing with the financial collapse caused by the flawed design of the Fed and its system of financial slavery, that it is forgetting about the real dangers lurking in the air, in the form of increased hurricanes, tornados, mudslides, floods, arid lands, diminishing clean water resources, dead zones in the oceans, not to mention the hole in the ozone layer and the melting of the glaciers.

What we really have to focus on are these challenges that are a direct result of human activity and of the system of greed and monopoly of the Fed and its owners, who control the oil companies of the world.

Our dependency on oil isn’t because there are no alternatives to oil. The Explorer 1 satellite that was launched in 1958 had solar panels to power it.

We’ve had solar cell technology for over 50 years, so how come we don’t have all the deserts of the world plastered with solar cells producing all the electricity we need out of nothing more than the sun’s rays, for which we don’t have to pay an energy bill?

Today we have the best alternative to oil in the form of on-demand hydrogen, HHO gas, produced from water. Denny Klein, an inventor from Clearwater, Fla., has been able to do just that, and is using the gas for welding machines, adapted it for cars and drove 100 miles on 4 ounces of water.

Dutchman Industries in New Jersey has produced a pre-ignition catalytic converter that allows an HHO hybrid car to run 180 miles on one gallon of oil.

Their inventions are tied up in federal courts, with injunctions from the EPA, which is being pressured by the oil companies not to let them sell it in the market because the cars will be driving without a catalytic converter. Federal law states that cars must have a catalytic converter to be legal.

A garage industry is emerging of thousands of people who are changing their cars themselves to run on water. The mainstream media, owned by the Fed/oil cartel, is ignoring them totally while they are flourishing on the internet, sharing ideas, plans and selling kits for as low as $240. Google "HHO gas" to search for information.

All of the presidential candidates, including Obama, talked about the importance of renewable energy resources and ending dependence on foreign oil.

They proposed everything from offshore drilling to wind, solar, bio-diesel and ethanol. Nobody talked about HHO gas because there’s no money in selling water. It can’t be monopolized.

HHO gas can even replace the gas for heating homes and for cooking, and it’s passed all safety tests.

Ethanol is an alternative that should not even be considered in its current form of production, in which a gallon of gasoline is used to produce a gallon of ethanol. And the waste of corn is increasing the price of food.

The use of government subsidies is the only way ethanol would be economically feasible.

At the Washington International Renewable Energy Conference (WIREC) in March, over 240 companies from over 80 countries, discussed how they generate energy out of everything from the geothermal process to harvesting methane out of sewage and garbage, to using ocean waves, to using reflective surfaces to concentrate sun rays for cooking.

There were even ideas to generate electricity out of putting turbines under freeways to use the motion of the driving cars to generate electricity.

The problem with making these products available for people around the world is the Fed/oil cartel, which buys every company with a viable idea and makes them uneconomical compared to oil.

As if it’s not enough that they’re choking the economy of the world by concentrating the money in their hands and having a monopoly on its printing, they are also literally choking the world with the huge amounts of CO2 spewing into the atmosphere producing bad quality air full of positive ions.

When Obama talks about millions of jobs created out of using renewable energy and ending dependence on foreign oil within ten years, he is not talking about something out of this world. We have the technologies to achieve that in even less time.

The big hurdle that stands in the way is money. The big hurdle is breaking up the Fed/oil cartel.

Imagine if the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was never passed, and the country was producing its own money. The people of the U.S. would be the richest in the world, not the Fed owners. There would be no need to pay federal income taxes, as the government would have been able to afford all the expenses of running the government, including health care.

Instead of being in a collective debt of $81.5 trillion, we would’ve had a surplus of more than that. Factories wouldn’t have been dismantled and shipped to China. We would not have an immigrant worker problem. Credit scores would’ve been irrelevant.

We would all be living the true American dream, not the current American nightmare.

What we need to achieve that is an eco-revolution. That’s an economic and ecological revolution.

The first step to achieve that is to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Practical steps are being taken by the masses to make that happen, as no president or one person can fight that battle alone. Former presidential candidate Ron Paul is circulating an Internet petition to do just that: