Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Economy Eology go hand in hand

Economy, ecology go hand-in-hand
By Nafeh AbuNab
Saturday, 12.13.2008, 12:08am

Imagine a world that employs logic, knowledge, science and common sense to face the challenges of global warming, which is threatening to bring famine and disaster in biblical proportions.

Imagine a world without the Federal Reserve.

The world is so focused on dealing with the financial collapse caused by the flawed design of the Fed and its system of financial slavery, that it is forgetting about the real dangers lurking in the air, in the form of increased hurricanes, tornados, mudslides, floods, arid lands, diminishing clean water resources, dead zones in the oceans, not to mention the hole in the ozone layer and the melting of the glaciers.

What we really have to focus on are these challenges that are a direct result of human activity and of the system of greed and monopoly of the Fed and its owners, who control the oil companies of the world.

Our dependency on oil isn’t because there are no alternatives to oil. The Explorer 1 satellite that was launched in 1958 had solar panels to power it.

We’ve had solar cell technology for over 50 years, so how come we don’t have all the deserts of the world plastered with solar cells producing all the electricity we need out of nothing more than the sun’s rays, for which we don’t have to pay an energy bill?

Today we have the best alternative to oil in the form of on-demand hydrogen, HHO gas, produced from water. Denny Klein, an inventor from Clearwater, Fla., has been able to do just that, and is using the gas for welding machines, adapted it for cars and drove 100 miles on 4 ounces of water.

Dutchman Industries in New Jersey has produced a pre-ignition catalytic converter that allows an HHO hybrid car to run 180 miles on one gallon of oil.

Their inventions are tied up in federal courts, with injunctions from the EPA, which is being pressured by the oil companies not to let them sell it in the market because the cars will be driving without a catalytic converter. Federal law states that cars must have a catalytic converter to be legal.

A garage industry is emerging of thousands of people who are changing their cars themselves to run on water. The mainstream media, owned by the Fed/oil cartel, is ignoring them totally while they are flourishing on the internet, sharing ideas, plans and selling kits for as low as $240. Google "HHO gas" to search for information.

All of the presidential candidates, including Obama, talked about the importance of renewable energy resources and ending dependence on foreign oil.

They proposed everything from offshore drilling to wind, solar, bio-diesel and ethanol. Nobody talked about HHO gas because there’s no money in selling water. It can’t be monopolized.

HHO gas can even replace the gas for heating homes and for cooking, and it’s passed all safety tests.

Ethanol is an alternative that should not even be considered in its current form of production, in which a gallon of gasoline is used to produce a gallon of ethanol. And the waste of corn is increasing the price of food.

The use of government subsidies is the only way ethanol would be economically feasible.

At the Washington International Renewable Energy Conference (WIREC) in March, over 240 companies from over 80 countries, discussed how they generate energy out of everything from the geothermal process to harvesting methane out of sewage and garbage, to using ocean waves, to using reflective surfaces to concentrate sun rays for cooking.

There were even ideas to generate electricity out of putting turbines under freeways to use the motion of the driving cars to generate electricity.

The problem with making these products available for people around the world is the Fed/oil cartel, which buys every company with a viable idea and makes them uneconomical compared to oil.

As if it’s not enough that they’re choking the economy of the world by concentrating the money in their hands and having a monopoly on its printing, they are also literally choking the world with the huge amounts of CO2 spewing into the atmosphere producing bad quality air full of positive ions.

When Obama talks about millions of jobs created out of using renewable energy and ending dependence on foreign oil within ten years, he is not talking about something out of this world. We have the technologies to achieve that in even less time.

The big hurdle that stands in the way is money. The big hurdle is breaking up the Fed/oil cartel.

Imagine if the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was never passed, and the country was producing its own money. The people of the U.S. would be the richest in the world, not the Fed owners. There would be no need to pay federal income taxes, as the government would have been able to afford all the expenses of running the government, including health care.

Instead of being in a collective debt of $81.5 trillion, we would’ve had a surplus of more than that. Factories wouldn’t have been dismantled and shipped to China. We would not have an immigrant worker problem. Credit scores would’ve been irrelevant.

We would all be living the true American dream, not the current American nightmare.

What we need to achieve that is an eco-revolution. That’s an economic and ecological revolution.

The first step to achieve that is to repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Practical steps are being taken by the masses to make that happen, as no president or one person can fight that battle alone. Former presidential candidate Ron Paul is circulating an Internet petition to do just that:

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