Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Obama Revolution

The Obama revolution
By Nafeh AbuNab
Friday, 11.07.2008, 08:52pm

Abraham Lincoln, another president from Illinois, fought a civil war that divided a nation and succeeded in uniting it again. But when he tried to take on the bankers, he got assassinated. John F. Kennedy took on Russia in the Cuban missile crisis, but when he took on the Feds, he got assassinated. They both were trying to finish a matter that was started by Benjamin Franklin at a time when the United States did not even exist yet.

Participants write on a wall dedicated to U.S. President-elect Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) in front of the Lincoln Memorial's reflection pool in Washington, November 5, 2008. The wall was constructed on Wednesday and will stand all week for people to view and write their thoughts to the new president. REUTERS/Mitch Dumke

Our story takes us back to the year 1750 when there were only 13 colonies. Franklin wrote about the population of the time: "Impossible to find a happier and more prosperous population on all the surface of the globe." Going over to England to represent the interest of the colonies, Franklin was asked how he accounted for the prosperous conditions prevailing in the colonies, while poverty was rife in the motherland. He said: "That is simple. In the Colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Script. We issue it in proper proportion to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner, creating ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay to no one."

The Rothschilds, English bankers, being informed of that, had a law passed by the British Parliament prohibiting the colonies from issuing their own money, and ordering them to use only gold or silver debt-money of the crown, which was provided in insufficient quantity by the English bankers. The circulating medium of exchange was thus reduced by half.

"In one year," Franklin wrote, "the conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity ended, and a depression set in, to such an extent that the streets of the colonies were filled with unemployed."

Reading what Franklin wrote back then, one can't help but think he's describing the condition of the United States today, due to the Feds' monopoly control on the money of this country!

The choking economic stranglehold that the Rothschilds put the colonies in was the main reason why the American Revolution was started against England. History textbooks erroneously teach that it was the tax on tea the triggered the American Revolution, while Franklin clearly stated: "The colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been the poverty caused by the bad influence of the English bankers…"

The founding fathers, having won the war, had to guard against the slavery of the banking system, and wrote the American Constitution. Article 1, Section 8, paragraph 5 clearly states: "Congress shall have the power to coin money and regulate the value thereof."

The bankers didn't give up. Their agent, Alexander Hamilton, was named secretary of the treasury in George Washington's cabinet, and advocated the establishment of a federal bank to be owned by private interests. His argument was that "The wisdom of the government will be shown in never trusting itself with the use of so seducing and dangerous an expedient as issuing its own money."

Thomas Jefferson, the secretary of state, was strongly opposed to that project, and warned against allowing private bankers to issue the money of the country, but Washington was finally won over by Hamilton's arguments. A federal bank was thus created in 1791 and was called "Bank of the United States" with a 20-year charter. It was a private bank owned by private stockholders. The name was chosen purposely to deceive the American population, the same technique used in naming the Federal Reserve Bank, to mislead the people into thinking it is owned by the federal government.

The charter for the Bank of the United States ran out in 1811, and Congress voted against its renewal, thanks to the influence of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson. Nathan Rothschild, of the Bank of England, issued an ultimatum: "Either the application for renewal of the charter is granted, or the U.S. will find itself involved in a most disastrous war."

Jackson and the American patriots defied them and Jackson's answer was: "You are a den of thieves-vipers. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out!"

Nathan Rothschild issued orders: "Teach these impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to colonial status." And the British Government launched the War of 1812 against the U.S. Rothschild's plan was to impoverish the U.S. to the extent the legislators would have to seek financial aid, which would only be granted against the renewal of the charter for the Bank of the United States, which is exactly what happened in 1816.

Understanding these historical facts and the relationship between the control of issuing the money and the prosperity of a nation and the economic causes of wars, exposes the same play book these bankers have been using to enslave the masses.

The historic election of Barak Obama for the presidency is nothing less than another revolution by the masses against the influence of the bankers that have again impoverished this nation through involving it in an extended war in Iraq and Afghanistan, to secure oil for their companies then sell it to us with unheard of historical profits, and limiting the supply of money through holding loans and demanding repayment, and putting the country in another economic chokehold. If we could print this worthless paper we could meet their demands, but when it is considered counterfeiting, and a federal crime to print it and they control the flow, then we can understand whom to blame for the thievery that is being practiced against the homeowners through foreclosures, while they parade their puppets on national media, telling us: "The fundamentals of the economy are sound," as the sheriffs' deputies carry the belongings of over 3 million families to the curbs!

The opposite of courage isn't cowardice, but comfort. When people are comfortable they don't feel the need for change, but when they're economically squeezed they seek change and make it happen, if not with weapons, then with a vote. When people are desperate they panic and they resort to measures that don't otherwise make sense. Detroit Mayor Ken Cockrell, Jr. held a press conference on Monday in which he announced that Angel's Night patrols have to be carried 365 days in Detroit because the number of house burning incidents is on the rise, and this year's Angel's Night resulted in about 150 burnt homes, down from last year's 327, but the percentage of occupied homes burnt rose to 80%, due to the foreclosure epidemic. People are burning their own homes, and hoping to "get away with it." What is wrong with this picture?

In this election people chose change over status quo, intelligence over stupidity, and hope over desperation. Obama realizes the enormity of his mission, and how he has to succeed in finishing what his Illinois native Lincoln started, and Kennedy carried. In his victory speech he said: "The road is long and the climb is steep…" and he promised: "To those who tear the world, we will defeat you…"

In his mission he is going to need the Almighty's help, and the help of all us mortal souls.

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