Wednesday, March 18, 2009

You can stop the foreclosures

You can stop the foreclosures
By Nafeh AbuNab
Friday, 11.14.2008, 09:47pm

It was always happening to them, not us. Hurricanes, tornadoes, factory closings and foreclosures. We paid attention but didn't really care. People who had their sights on retirement have seen their life savings disappear right in front of their eyes, and people who worked for the Big Three, and felt secure, are now running in panic. Now it is beginning to sink in that this is not just a passing cloud, and it is not just a test, it is the real thing. People seem to be surprised by the acceleration of events. I've been warning of this since 2003, telling people it is inevitable and that the whole system is wrong, unjust and unsustainable. I wrote a book titled "Nothing," not only predicting the fall, but also detailing the solutions and the way out. The most dangerous thing this situation is creating is the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness among people, and the feeling they have no control over it, while the truth is this is the opportunity to take matters back into our own hands and put the control where it belongs, in the hands of the working masses.

One basic concept people seem to have a very hard time understanding is my calling the dollar "worthless paper," while they take it to the store and get Twinkies for it! What gives the dollar value is the production of the people. When we produce a car, we create value for the dollar that buys it. Not the other way round. If the production base is removed then no matter how much paper the Fed prints, it will have no value. Yet it is this production base that the owners of the Feds have been systematically robbing, dismantling and moving out of the country.

In my series of articles, I've been dealing with the history of the economic siege that has been practiced on this nation through the Feds banking system, and how it has been stealing the country's wealth and people's hard work, and how it has been choking the country economically. One would argue that the Feds' owners could implement their plan only on stupid people, but not on the smartest people in the world, the ones that put man on the moon and have accomplished feats of technological advances and engineering that demonstrate superior intelligence. Well then, we must answer the question of how the engineering of automobiles in 1913 was far inferior to the engineering of the automobile in 2008, yet the Feds banking system of 1913 is still what governs this country, and makes the 1913 car much more profitable than the 2008 model!

To answer that we go back to John D. Rockefeller, one of the engineers of the Feds, who had a monopoly on oil and caused the Congress to pass many anti-trust laws. Rockefeller once said: "Competition is a sin." He believed in monopoly control, something the Feds maintain today on the money of this country. So while the business world has many companies competing, all their products are sold in the U.S. dollar that the Feds control 100%. And that is what is choking this country. The Big Three car companies are not suffering because their cars are inferior, or people don't want them or need them. It is because they don't have the money to buy them!

People aren't burning their homes because they don't like them, or don't want to live in them. They're burning them because they don't have the money to pay their mortgages, and would rather see them burn than be stolen from them by the bankers. This banking system is what has been stealing their homes and robbing them of their hard work. A builder puts out effort and money and builds a house at a cost of $70,000. He sells it for $100,000 to a homeowner. The homeowner obtains a mortgage from the local banker to buy the home. The local banker obtains the money from the Feds to lend to the homeowner. The Feds' cost of printing $100,000 is seven cents per bill in ink and paper, so it costs them $70 dollars, yet they become the owners of the home through their local agents the bankers. And at the wonderful rate of 7.25% interest, by the time the homeowner pays for it over a 30 years mortgage, he ends up paying $270,000!

The Feds have printed two trillion dollars that they injected into their surrogate banks to fortify them, and help them gulp down other banks, refusing to release any information as to who they gave it to and under with collateral. They are the czars of America. Many erroneously think it is part of the federal government while the Feds is a privately owned corporation with stock A holders owned by the Rockefellers (National City Bank), the Rothschilds (Bank of England), the Morgans (Chase Bank), Lazard Brothers (Bank of Paris), Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, the Warburgs (Bank of Hamburg & Amsterdam), Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb and Co., Goldman Sachs and James Stillman's Citi Corp. These are the same names that you see on the board of directors of all the Fortune 500 companies, owning everything from the oil companies to insurance companies to the major TV networks, which they acquired back in the 1930s, to retail malls to Hollywood production companies to you name it.

Their method of stealing public companies has become a standard practice. First they buy enough stock to get them a seat on the board of directors. Then they appoint a stupid CEO, and pay him an exuberant salary to be the front figure. It is psychologically important to pay him a large salary, so people around him view him as a genius. Then they provide the company with a great line of credit, to allow for their expansion. They skim the profits of the company in the interest they charge, so the stockholders get reduced dividends. Then when they're ready to steal it lock, stock and barrel, they downgrade their credit rating at Wall Street, which sends their stocks tumbling down, then the companies file bankruptcy protection. They spin off a "venture capital" company of anonymous financiers and they come and take over the company for nothing, inject it with capital, and emerge it out of bankruptcy with new stocks, and the original stockholders lose everything, while the company continues to operate. These thieves are then celebrated in their magazines and media as corporate raiders and financial geniuses. They have been doing that across the country. Locally they have done that to K-Mart and are in the process of completing it on Michigan's new jewel industry in solar energy; United Ovonics Solar, where Mark Murelli has been appointed as president and CEO, and Chase Bank extended two lines of credi,t one for 30 million and another for 20 million.

These people are by no means stupid; it is we the public, who are stupid. We have been falling for the same scheme, which is totally legal, and it is still not considered thievery. They have realized people eventually will wake up, so they have been systematically dismantling the factories and industries they robbed and moving them out of the country, to places like China, India, Mexico and other poor countries where people are dying to be exploited! And by passing bilateral trade agreements, like NAFTA, they get out of the labor unions, of paying U.S. taxes, of paying the high costs of medical care and being open to litigation. They just pay the shipping tcosts o bring the products back into these markets. Their savings in medical insurance premiums and taxes more than pays for their raw material and production costs! And people are surprised that they are losing their jobs by the millions?!

So how did we arrive at this mess that is breaking up families and tearing apart the community at its core? The same way you cook a live frog; gradually, one legislative bill at a time. The manufacturing base has been stripped and the milk cow reduced to a skeleton. We pay the local taxes that support the local courts, police force, mayors, the sheriff and his deputies, and we elect them and the representatives that are supposed to protect us, and not deliver us into the hands of our economic captors. Talking to local mayors and various representatives, I was surprised to see they don't fully understand how we got into this mess and feel powerless in halting it, while the truth is the solution lies in their hands and ours.

Senator Hansen Clark fully understands the origins of the mess and knows the solution lies in halting the foreclosures through passing a bill to put a moratorium state-wide on foreclosures. He has introduced Senate Bill 1306, which is being stalled at the banking committee. "The time for the bill to pass is now," Senator Clark said in a phone interview. So I call on all mayors and city councils to unilaterally pass resolutions to put a moratorium for one year on foreclosures. They have to protect their tax base, and people need an address not only to vote but also to find another job, or create a business. It is time people demand their representatives do their job to represent them and protect them against the predatory Feds banking system.

The situation is critical. People are burning their homes. If they're not protected, who knows what they might burn next? The banks, courthouses and city halls?

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